
“Sin Dualidad”

 Vivimos en un mundo creado y sustentado a traves de la dualidad.

El frio y el calor, lo bueno , lo malo, masculino o femenino, el Yin y el Yang.

Pero nuestra esencia esta mas alla de la Dualidad, y nuestra alma no descansa dentro de la dualidad.

Cuando necesitamos descansar, dormimos, y en ese estado sonyamos o no, acudiendo a un mundo interno, que en su momento nos afecta tanto o mas que nuestra vida comun, cuando estamos despiertos. Ese es el fenomeno de nuestra vida interna, un lugar al cual debemos acudir para encontrar descanso, dejando atras todo tipo de estimulacion, para encontrar un lugar pleno, donde nos podemos relajar y encontrar en ese descanso las fuerzas para crecer, sanar, y recuperarnos antes de volver al mundo estimulante.

Nuestra existencia en esta dimension no nos ensenya nada del mundo interno, incluso lo niega como algo religioso o espiritual, sin embargo sin el nuestra existencia seria imposible ya que como el oceano, es el origen mismo de donde venimos. Estar alineado al mismo es conocernos profundamente. Asi com Freud esta reconocido por su aporte hacia el mundo del inconsciente y el papel que este juega en nuestra vidas, hay otro estado, aun mas evolucionado, que es el super-consciente. En la sociedad Occidental se lo desconoce en su mayoria, aludiendo quizas a las drogas o el alcohol como un modo de accederlo temporalmente, pero este trae tremendas desviaciones y consecuencias, mientras que la meditacion nos permite existir en el mismo permanentemente.

Conocernos a nosotros mismos son los comandamientos mas altos y sagrados de los mejores maestros que han caminado el planeta, y fuera de ser solamente venerados e idiolizados, su deseo era que ese camino fuera transitado por quienes escuchasen el llamado y desearan transitarlo.

Simplemente se necesita alguien que tambien lo transite para mostrarnos el rumbo a seguir, en esa funcion me siento capaz, y me alegra ofrecer mi conocimiento…

si le interesa se puede comunicar conmigo a traves de mi mail para transitar el camino hacia su propio ser artgenta@yahoo.com

Atte. marcelo

Edgar Caycee on the Akashic Records

Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.

— Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

from A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenement)

Many individuals are aware of the fact that psychic Edgar Cayce attributed the source of much of his remarkable information as being the Akashic Records. Referred to in scripture as “the Book of Life,” these Akashic Records essentially keep track of each and every soul and that soul’s learning agenda through all time. As unbelievable as this may seem to some, most individuals have heard of the phenomena called the Near Death Experience in which people undergo a partial death transition and experience a personal life review. In a very real sense what is taking place during this life review is that the individual is tapping into her or his own Akashic Records. Ultimately, these records might be equated to the universe’s central computer storehouse, tracking all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. However, much more than simply a memory storehouse, the Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we are constantly drawing toward us.

Although there is only one set of Akashic Records, it might be conceptually helpful to imagine that there are records that deal with the past, records that deal with the present and records that are responsible for future probabilities.

In terms of the past, the Akashic Records of the past really reside as memory. Actually, the Cayce readings suggest that karma is really only memory – a soul’s memory in relationship to something or someone. And it is important to keep in mind that my memory of a prior event may be very different than the memory of an individual who shared that event with me – just like a long-married couple recalling very different memories from a shared experience. It is for that reason the Cayce readings suggest that each and every one of us is dealing with our own karmic memory, not the memory of someone else. Very often, it is our personal karmic memory that makes us very different from other siblings and members of our own family. This memory resides just below the surface and is oftentimes at the heart of our likes, dislikes and the way in which we feel about every individual whom we encounter.

Gerardo Amaro

Gerardo amaro

for a year and a half i’ve been watching Gerardo’s videos on youtube. His information seemed so crazy at first, yet everything seemed to hang together after listening to him for a while.

Over two decades ago I believed in conspiracy theories, even though mel gibson ridiculed them in the movie by the same name. Thanx to my belief I was able to escape the derivative debacle virtually unscathed, and made 3x my purchase price on r.e. Within 4 years.

But gerardo’s claims just went through the roof…he was claiming that aliens were responsible for all the mayhem we’re experiencing on earth. But that was just the tip of it. He said he was getting the info from reading the “akashic records”, that all manner of data was stored there, even in a single drop of water there was a story…

I couldn’t wait to learn how to access that data for myself. But I had to, because he’s Mexican, speaks spanish, and does his trainings mostly there…finally, earlier this month, I was able to go to Otay and attend his training, both levels 1 and 2. learning how to access my own records, and everyone else’s!

When I arrived at the hotel, there was a long registration line, so instead of waiting like everyone else I sat down and just watched and meditated, until new people stopped arriving and an hour and a half later, registered myself as well.

As my turn was approaching he arrived and went inside. In my meditation I had come to realize that there was a very high energy behind the whole process, him being a very conscious individual and polite to everyone he met. He went inside the room and began talking. One of the doors was open, so I availed myself of the opportunity to both be in line with 1 foot in the lobby and listening to him with one ear peeled to the room itself. People were asking him all kinds of questions which he was fielding in real time and answering them clearly.

By the time I got enrolled I tried to find a seat up front and I ended up way up on the left. I had a front row seat and a chance to ask him a couple of questions. One of them was about the terrible bump I have gotten on my head, when, on the last day of my job up in Julian, I fell on my head off of a ladder!

He said that from the moment we enroll on the course our psyche begins to work with us to get us ready to attend, and that sometimes we remove implanted chips by hitting our heads!

It sounded good enough to me, and when somehow we got onto the subject of dogs I couldn’t help but mention “terrible”, the dog that I had grown to love as a child, and had lost mysteriously never to find again. His answer was that sometimes animals come in to teach us detachment.

Once again I liked the answer and most certainly I experienced a lot of emotion connecting back with terrible.

His technique was very clean. He spent a good hour entertaining each and every question that the public threw at him. This way no one was ignored, everyone participated, and all the doubt was erased. I had lost any doubt that I might have, and now I trusted him and was ready to learn.

His teaching was very simple. He set down simple principles that had to be assimilated in order to learn the work. If anyone had a question he would tirelessly work with them until it was answered and understood. People in the class were also allowed to participate and answer the question themselves thus being allowed to display their understanding or have their misunderstanding corrected by him.

By the end of the first day we were given two questions to ask our register, and after writing down the answers that we got, were given a chance to share it for those who wanted to, to the rest of the class.

On the second day, by the end of class, we had an opportunity to read somebody else’s register, and then once again, share it with the others…